Sometimes one project, and…

…the desire to compete it, may supersede all other motivations. Because of this, look for a bit of laurel-resting, after which I will write more “Etudes.” (I believe)

Still, the desire to continue with the “Shakespeare Project” is also forefront, as is my desire to write more “Canopians.”

I would also enjoy writing more split sonnets.  To that end, I have in mind a form wherein two sonnets, one with the reverse rhymescheme as the other–possibly in the Shakespearean style (with ABAB quatrains) are recombined as two new Shakespeareans.  If the two sonnets interlock well enough all four should be readable and perhaps I will explicitly publish both the originals and the interlocking version.  I believe such a thing would make the rhymes palindromic in nature.  Yes… but I have not given sufficient thought to the proof of this : )

In any case look for something new soon.  Probably not Canopians but probably Etudes in the Shakespearean form with inverse rhymes and possibly palindromic versions of them.