14 responses to “Intro 12: This life

  1. Surprisingly(and annoying enough) your posts do not feature in my reader anymore. Do you think I did something? How do I fix it?

    Anyway, this little post makes a lot of sense than it ideally should, given its just 3 short lines. :)


    • Thank you. Occasionally, I do put some thought into these little introductions of mine; although I will admit that most often I just dash them off after finishing a sonnet. Sometimes, if the sonnet is a rework of an older work of mine in another form, I sometimes include the original; although only if I feel its form is interesting enough to warrant this.

      I am told by vastly more experienced bloggers that such unusual behaviour on the part of the “reader” sometimes happens for no reason; and that doubtless, one has generally done nothing to cause it to occur. They also make mention of an impression that this quirk may be undone by unfollowing and refollowing a particular blog. However I have not, as of yet, had this problem (that I know of.)


  2. Thank you so much for those wise words David! I’m sorry I don’t visit that much anymore but talking about time…. I’m doing my best to use it wisely especially now that there are many things going on in my life. So, you see.. sending you this short message is a part good time spend! ;)


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