Sonnet II: Challenge

How may a challenge take so many names:
The first, a journey struck with spirit bright;
The next, a stolid, firm, determined, fight;
And then, a simple, tired tread–a game

Although the dream were dead–and next, it came
Relentless, as it yet were sanctified;
Without surrender, lest be dignified
Thus; that the game were lost? The very blame

Was hidden in the cost of keeping on
Within a blackened dream. How challenging
This fourfold path must seem, when what is gone
Is purity, which such a dream may bring.

But fivefold is the path of righteous grief,
When challenge is pursued without belief.

This sonnet is part of a short sequence; click here to read it all:


3 responses to “Sonnet II: Challenge

  1. My friend, I love the inspirational work that you are doing and I thank you for visiting our ministry blog here on the web, in addition to making the decision to follow us as we grow and do God’s will. We invite you to return often as we post new lessons daily to help build up the Kingdom of God. It is always good to meet and make new friends. I look forward to returning and studying more of what you have to offer. If I can be of assistance to you just drop me a note in my personal email box or in our comment section. For the Lord has called each of us to “GO” into the world and make disciples. In the meantime I invite you to click on this link: and see how we are helping to change the lives of other bloggers, you too can become one of them. May God bless you with His abundant love now and always.


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