Sonnet I: That which Sings

I sing to thee of winter’s rain, my sweet;
I sing of hours spent and hours kept;
Of all the dreams beneath this rain, we’ve slept;
For all the time I’ve held thy head, thy feet,

I sing to thee, although my heart is fleet.
If not for me then thou wouldst not have wept;
Thy tears doth fill my pen which make adept,
And make me to produce such indiscreet

Reflection. When I think of all those hours,
Innumerable, they, within our frame;
As sore beset with devils, as with flowers;
Of all the seemingly unending pain;
Those times that seemed controlled by other powers;
I remember, then, how soothing is the rain.

This sonnet is part of a short sequence; click here to read it all:

24 responses to “Sonnet I: That which Sings

  1. Flowers are wonderful but devils are perhaps necessary for true depth. It has resulted in a richness in both your person and your poetry, my dear. This is a beautiful piece. Soothing and with some outstanding imagery.

    I love your words beneath this winter’s rain. Thank you, my love.


    • It has been with considerable enjoyment that I have embarked on this project. I have recently passed my sixth month mark, which means over 180 sonnets. All this from one casual conversation with a colleague. But my sweetheart loves this style, and so it has been a joy and quite literally a labour of love.


    • That is an impressive literary commitment. I can understand why your Love loves this style. Sonnets are the ultimate way to express feelings and observations. The fact that one has to follow rules to do so is a reminder that there are also rules to follow in true love. Restrictions becoming ultimately, freedom.


    • Very true. And my dearest does have a very impressive educational background–to the envy even of the old world, one might say. So this kind of writing… It is more than a style she likes, or even loves; it reminds her of home, her grandfather, her early childhood. It is like a salve for homesickness that nothing else might ease.

      And as per restrictions, there is a sequence wherein I address this subject directly. AND THANK YOU very much for reminding me of it; for I had failed to catalogue it properly and list it under sequences!

      I have just done so thanks to your kind reminder!

      Three in the sequence, though I can’t help feeling there is another around somewhere I failed to number with this sequence:

      Five Petalled Flower


  2. Pingback: Sonnet XI: | David Emeron: Sonnets

  3. Pingback: Sonnet X: | David Emeron: Sonnets

  4. Pingback: Sonnet IX: | David Emeron: Sonnets

  5. Pingback: Sonnet III: | David Emeron: Sonnets

  6. Pingback: Sonnet IV: | David Emeron: Sonnets

  7. Pingback: Sonnet V: | David Emeron: Sonnets

  8. Pingback: Sonnet VI: | David Emeron: Sonnets

  9. Pingback: Sonnet VII: | David Emeron: Sonnets

  10. This is a 20 star rating, but they don’t have that many. You two definitely live here. I read and thought of the love and years between the two of you. I am reblogging and this time, I am doing it correctly. Incredible, beautiful, heart and soul touching. form: perfect.


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